تعلم الكلمات الشائعة في اللغة الإسبرانتو بالصوت

أهم وأكثر الكلمات شيوعا في اللغة الإسبرانتو مع الصوت
تعليم اللغة الإسبرانتو مع الكلمات المتكررة

aĉet/i          to buy
adiaŭ* good-bye
aer/o air
afabl/a kind, friendly
afer/o matter, affair, thing
Afrik/o* Africa
agrabl/a pleasant, nice
aĝ/o age
ajn -ever (e.g. kiu ajn: whoever; iam ajn: whenever)
akcept/i to accept
akr/a* sharp
akv/o water
al to, towards (preposition)
al/iĝ/i* to join (intrans.)
al/ven/i* to arrive (intrans.)
ali/a other
almenaŭ at least (adverb)
alt/a high, tall
am/i to love, to like
amas/o mass, crowd
ambaŭ both
amik/o friend
Angl/o* Englishman
angul/o corner, angle
ankaŭ also, too (adverb)
ankoraŭ still (adverb)
anstataŭ instead of (preposition, conjunction)
antaŭ before (preposition)
apart/a separate
apenaŭ barely, scarcely (adverb)
aper/i to appear
apetit/o* appetite
april/o* april
apud beside, near (preposition)
arb/o tree
art/o art
atend/i to wait
atent/a attentive, careful
atest/i* to attest, to certify
aŭ or, either... or... (conjunction)
aŭd/i to hear
aŭgust/o* august
aŭskult/i to listen
aŭt/o* automobile, car
aŭtobus/o* bus, coach
aŭtun/o autumn, fall
av/o grandfather


baldaŭ          soon (adverb)
bat/i to hit, to beat
batal/i to fight
bel/a lovely, beautiful
best/o animal
bezon/i to need, to require
bicikl/o* bicycle
bier/o* beer
bigami/o* bigamy
bilard/o* billiards, pool
bild/o picture, image
bird/o bird
blank/a white
blind/a* blind
blond/a* blond
blu/a blue
bon/a good
bord/o border, shore, bank
bov/o* bull, ox
brak/o arm
bril/i to shine, to be bright
bru/i to make a noise
brul/i to burn, to be on fire (intrans.)
brun/a* brown
Bruno* Esperantized version of the name "Brown"
bub/o* boy, lad (often pejorative)
bufed/o* buffet, snack-bar
buŝ/o mouth
butik/o* store, shop
butik/um/i* to go shopping

cel/i  to aim at
cent (one) hundred
cert/a sure, certain
ci* thou (rare)
cigared/o* cigarette

ĉambr/o         room
ĉapel/o hat
ĉar because, since (conjunction)
ĉas/i* to hunt
ĉe at, by (preposition)
ĉeval/o horse
ĉi indicates proximity (e.g. tio: that; tio ĉi: this; tie: there; tie ĉi: here)
ĉiel/o heaven, sky
ĉirkaŭ around, approximately (adverb)
ĉokolad/o* chocolate
ĉu whether (interrogative particle)

da              of (follows quantity or measure) (preposition)
Dalas/o* Dallas
danc/i* to dance
dank/i to thank
daŭr/i to last, to continue, to go on
de of, from (preposition)
de/nov/e* again, once more
decembr/o* december
dek ten
dekstr/a right (side)
demand/i to ask (a question)
dens/a* dense, thick
dent/o tooth
dev/i to have to, to must
dezir/i to wish, to desire
di/o god
dik/a thick, fat
dimanĉ/o* sunday
dir/i to say
direkt/o direction
disk/o* disk, record
divers/a varied
do therefore, so, then (conjunction)
dolĉ/a sweet
dolor/o pain
dom/o house, building
don/i to give
dorm/i to sleep
du two
dub/i to doubt (trans.)
dum while (conjunction), during (preposition)

eĉ              even (adverb)
edz/o husband
eĥ/o* echo
ekster outside, out of (preposition)
ekzempl/o example
ekzerc/i* to exercise, to practice
el out of, from (preposition)
elekt/i to choose, to elect
en in, into (with accusative) (preposition)
erar/i to err, to make a mistake
eskim/o* Eskimo, Inuit
esper/i to hope
esperant/o* esperanto
est/i to be
Eŭklid/o* Euclid
Eŭrop/o* Europe

facil/a         easy
fajr/o fire
fal/i to fall
famili/o family
far/i to do, to make
fart/i* to fare, to feel ("Kiel vi fartas?": "How are you?")
februar/o* february
feliĉ/a happy
fenestr/o window
fer/o iron
ferm/i to close
fest/i to celebrate
fil/o son
fin/i to finish, to end (something) (trans.)
fingr/o finger
fiŝ/o fish
flank/o side
flav/a* yellow
flor/o flower
flug/i to fly
foj/o time, occasion
for far, away (adverb)
forges/i to forget
form/o form
fort/a strong
frap/i to hit, to strike
frat/o brother
fraŭl/o bachelor (fraŭlino: unmarried woman, "Miss")
fremd/a foreign, alien
fru/a early
frukt/o fruit
fum/o* smoke

gaj/a           happy, cheerful
gajn/i to win, to acquire
gazet/o magazine
geografi/o* geography
glaci/o* ice
glas/o (drinking) glass
glob/o* globe, sphere
gol/o* goal (scored)
grand/a large, great
grav/a important
griz/a* gray
gust/o* taste
gust/um/i* to taste (something) (trans.)

ĝangal/o*       jungle
ĝarden/o garden
ĝi it
ĝis till, until, as far as (preposition, conjunction)
ĝoj/i to be glad, to rejoice
ĝust/a correct, exact

ha!             ah! (interjection)
halt/i to stop (intrans.)
har/o (one) hair
hav/i to have
hejm/o home
hel/a bright, clear
help/i to help
herb/o* grass
hieraŭ yesterday
histori/o history
ho! o!, oh! (interjection)
hodiaŭ today
hom/o person
hor/o hour, time of day
hund/o dog

ĥor/o*          choir, chorus

ide/o           idea
ili they
imag/i* to imagine
indian/o* (American) Indian
infan/o child
insekt/o* insect
instru/i* to teach
inter between, among (preposition)
interes/o interest
interes/i to interest, to be interesting to (trans.)
intern/a internal, inside
ir/i to go

ja              indeed (emphatic particle)
jaĥt/o* yacht
jam already (adverb)
januar/o* january
jar/o year
je as regards, in relation to (indefinite preposition)
jen here is (are), look!; sometimes... sometimes..., now... now...
jes yes
Johan/o* John
juli/o* july
jun/a young
juni/o* june
just/a just, fair

ĵaluz/a*        jealous
ĵaŭd/o* thursday
ĵet/i to throw
ĵurnal/o* newspaper
ĵus just, just now (adverb)

kaf/o*          coffee
kaj and (conjunction)
Kalgari/o* Calgary
kalkul/i to calculate, to count
kamp/o field, area
kanjon/o* canyon
kant/i to sing
kap/o head
kapt/i to catch
kar/a dear
kaŝ/i to hide (trans.)
kat/o cat
kaŭz/o cause
ke that (conjunction)
kelk/a some
klar/a clear
klin/i* to incline, to bend (trans.)
klub/o* club, group
knab/o boy
kol/o neck
kolekt/i to collect (trans.)
koler/i to be angry
kolor/o color
komenc/i to begin (something) (trans.)
komerc/i to trade, to do business
kompren/i to understand
komun/a common, general
kon/i to know
konduk/i to lead
kongres/o* congress, convention
konsent/i to agree
konsil/i to advise
konstru/i to build
kontent/a satisfied, content
kontraŭ against, opposite (preposition)
kor/o heart
korespond/i* to correspond, to exchange letters
korp/o body
kort/o yard, courtyard
kost/i to cost
kovert/o* envelope
kovr/i to cover
kred/i to believe
kresk/i to grow (intrans.)
kri/i to yell, to cry out
krom besides, except (preposition)
ktp* "kaj tiel plu" ("and so on") (abbr.)
kuir/i to cook
kuk/o* cake
kun with (preposition)
kunikl/o* rabbit
kur/i to run
kuraĝ/a brave, courageous
kurs/o* course, series of lessons
kuŝ/i to lie down
kutim/o custom, habit
kvankam although (conjunction)
kvar four
kvazaŭ as if, as though (conjunction, adverb)
kvin five

la              the (definite article)
labor/i to work
lac/a tired
lakt/o milk
land/o country, land
larĝ/a wide
las/i to leave, to allow
last/a last
laŭ according to, along (preposition)
lav/i to wash (trans.)
lecion/o* lesson
leg/i to read
lern/i to learn
leter/o letter (correspondence)
lev/i to lift
li he
liber/a free, independent
libr/o book
lig/o league, alliance
lig/i to tie, to bind
lign/o wood
limonad/o* lemonade, soft drink (Europe)
lingv/o language
lini/o line
lit/o bed
loĝ/i to live, to inhabit
lok/o place, position
London/o* London
long/a long
lud/i to play
lum/i to shine, to give light
lund/o* monday

maj/o*          may (month)
man/o hand
manĝ/i to eat
mank/i to be lacking, to be absent
mar/o sea, ocean
mard/o* tuesday
mark/o sign, mark
mart/o* march (month)
maten/o morning
maten/manĝ/o* breakfast
mejl/o* mile
mem -self, -selves
membr/o* member
memor/i to remember
merkred/o* wednesday
met/i to put, to place
mez/o middle
mezur/i to measure (something) (trans.)
mi I, me
mil (one) thousand
milion/o* million
milit/i to wage war
minut/o minute
mir/i to marvel, to be amazed
moment/o moment
mon/o money
monat/o month
mond/o world
mont/o mountain
montr/i to show
morgaŭ tomorrow
mort/i to die (intrans.)
mov/i to move (something) (trans.)
mult/a much, a lot of
mur/o wall

naci/o          nation
naĝ/i* to swim
nask/i to give birth (to) (trans.)
natur/o nature
naŭ nine
naz/o nose
ne no, not
neces/a necessary
neĝ/o snow
nek nor, neither... nor... (conjunction)
neŭtral/a* neutral, impartial
ni we, us
nigr/a black
nokt/o night
nom/o name
nombr/o number, amount
nord/a* north
nov/a new
Nov-Jork/o* New York
novembr/o* november
nu well!, now! (interjection)
nub/o cloud
nul zero
nul/o* nil, name of the number zero
nun now
nur only (adverb)

oft/a           frequent, common
ok eight
okaz/i to happen, to occur
oktobr/o* October
okul/o eye
okup/i to occupy
ol than (in comparisions) (conjunction)
ond/o* wave
oni one, people, "they" (indefinite pronoun)
onkl/o uncle
opini/i to think, to have an opinion
ord/o order
ordon/i to order, to command
orel/o ear
ost/o* bone
ov/o* egg

pac/o           peace
paf/i* to shoot
pag/i to pay
pan/o bread
pantofl/o* slipper
paper/o paper
pardon/i to forgive, to excuse
Pariz/o* Paris
parol/i to speak
part/o part
pas/i to pass
paŝ/i to step, to pace
patr/o father
pec/o piece, bit
pen/i to try, to endeavour
pens/i to think
per by (means of), with (preposition)
perd/i to lose
permes/i to allow, to permit
person/o person
pet/i to ask (for), to request
pied/o foot
pilk/o* ball (for playing)
plaĉ/i* to please, to be pleasing
plaĝ/o* beach
plank/o floor
plej most (superlative) (adverb)
plen/a full
plend/i to complain
plezur/o pleasure, enjoyment
pli more (comparative) (adverb)
plor/i to cry, to weep
plu further, more (adverb)
plum/o pen
pluv/o rain
polus/o* pole (as in North Pole)
popol/o people, nation
por for, in order to (preposition)
pord/o door
port/i to carry
post after, behind (preposition)
postul/i to demand, to require
poŝ/o* pocket
pov/i to be able (to)
prav/a right, correct
precip/a main, principal
prem/i to press, to squeeze
pren/i to take
preskaŭ almost (adverb)
pret/a ready
preter beyond, past (preposition)
prezent/i to present
pri about, concerning (preposition)
printemp/o spring
pro because of, by reason of (preposition)
problem/o* problem
profund/a deep
proksim/a near, close
promen/i* to take a walk
propr/a (one's) own
prosper/i* to prosper
prov/i to try, to test
pun/i* to punish
punkt/o point, period
pur/a clean, pure

rajt/o          a right
rakont/i to tell, to narrate
rapid/a quick, fast
reg/i to rule, to control
renkont/i to meet
respond/i to answer
rest/i to remain, to continue to be
rest/o rest, remainder
ricev/i to receive
riĉ/a rich
rid/i to laugh
rigard/i to look (at)
rimark/i to notice
rimed/o means, resource
ripoz/i to rest
river/o river
rob/o* a dress
romp/i to break (trans.)
rond/o round, circle
roz/o rose
ruĝ/a red

sabat/o*        saturday
sabl/o* sand
sag/o* arrow
salt/i to jump
salut/i to greet
sam/a same
san/a healthy
San-Francisk/o* San Francisco
sandviĉ/o* sandwich
sang/o blood
sat/a full, not hungry
sci/i to know
se if (conjunction)
sed but (conjunction)
seĝ/o chair
sek/a* dry
sekv/i to follow
semajn/o week
sen without (preposition)
send/i to send
sent/i to feel (trans.)
sep seven
septembr/o* september
serĉ/i to look for, to seek
serv/i to serve
ses six
si (him)self, (her)self, (one)self (reflexive pronoun)
sid/i to sit
silent/i to be silent
simpl/a simple
sinjor/o mister, gentleman
skatol/o* box, case
skrib/i to write
soif/i* to be thirsty
sol/a alone
solv/i* to solve (trans.)
somer/o summer
son/i to sound
spec/o kind, sort
staci/o station (for bus, train, etc.)
star/i to stand
stat/o state, condition
step/o* steppe
strat/o street
stud/i* to study
sub under, beneath (preposition)
sufer/i to suffer
sufiĉ/a sufficient, enough
sukces/i* to succeed
suker/o sugar
sun/o sun
super over, above (preposition)
supr/o top, summit
sur on, upon (preposition)

ŝaf/o*          sheep
ŝajn/i to seem, to appear to be
ŝanĝ/i to change (trans.)
ŝat/i* to have a high opinion of, to value, to like
ŝi she
ŝip/o ship
ŝose/o* road, roadway
ŝton/o stone
ŝu/o* shoe

tabl/o          table
tabl/o/tenis/o* table tennis, ping-pong
tag/o day
tag/manĝ/o* lunch
tajp/i* to type
tamen however, nevertheless (adverb, conjunction)
tamtam/o* tom-tom
tas/o* cup
task/o* task
te/o* tea
teatr/o* a theater
Teksas/o* Texas
temp/o time
ten/i to hold, to have
tenis/o* tennis
ter/o earth, ground
tim/i to fear
tip/o* type, sort
tir/i to pull
tra through (preposition)
traf/i* to hit (a goal, etc.), to strike
tranĉ/i to cut
trankvil/a calm, quiet
trans across, on the other side of (preposition)
tre very
tri three
trink/i to drink
tro too, too much
trov/i* to find
tuj immediately
turn/i to turn (trans.)
tuŝ/i to touch
tut/a whole, entire

unu             one
urb/o city, town
Uson/o* USA
util/a useful
uz/i to use

vagon/o         train waggon, carriage
valiz/o* suitcase, luggage
valor/o value
varb/i* to recruit
varm/a warm, hot
vast/a* vast, huge
vek/i to awake (someone) (trans.)
ven/i to come
vend/i to sell (trans.)
vendred/o* friday
vent/o wind
ver/a true, real
verd/a green
vesper/o evening
vest/o garment, article of clothing
veter/o weather
vetur/i to travel (by vehicle: to drive, to fly, etc.)
vi you
vid/i to see
vilaĝ/o village
vin/o* wine
vintr/o winter
vir/o man
vitr/o glass (substance)
viv/i to live, to be alive
vizaĝ/o face
vizit/i* to visit
voj/o way, road
vojaĝ/i to travel, to journey
vok/i to call (trans)
vol/i to want to
vort/o word

zorg/i          to care for, to take care of

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تعلم اللغة الإسبرانتو – الكلمات الشائعة
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